Additional meeting information
- Non-addicts are welcome at meetings that are marked »open for non-addicts« (offene Meetings).
Find out more » Open meetings (German site) - No registration is necessary, just show up.
- All Meetings are non-smoker. If not otherwise stated, meetings take place on holidays, too.
- Please let us know any chjanges in meeting time, location or format.
Write to us » Meeting changes
7th Tradition via SMS | bank transfer | paypal
- 7th Tradition via SMS (German mobile accounts only!)
Send a text message (SMS) to 81190 with the text clean.
2€ will be donated!
17 cents will go to the SMS-serviceprovider, the rest goes to NA Berlin.
You will recieve a confirmation text that reads: „Thank you for your help, we carry the message”.
If you you do not reiceive an answer, no money will be charged.
Not all mobile companies support „mobile payment”. - 7th Tradition via bank transfer
Konto: NASKB e.V.
Bank: Postbank Berlin
IBAN: DE71 1001 0010 0470 9881 09
BIC (Swift): PBNK DEFF - 7th Tradition via Paypal
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